Pharmas Solutions Configurator
Schott AG

An XR configurator for the packaging of highly sensitive biotech remedies forms the basis for the development of further digital innovation strategies and immersive 3D technologies for the company and the entire healthcare industry - created by NMY.

  • 3.325

    possible Configurations

  • 147%

    pharmaceutical Business Growth

  • 1,7 mil.

    cost cutting

Top Features

With the help of an XR pilot application, sales staff can configure packaging that ensures that the product remains stable throughout its distribution life.

NMY I Schott I XR Konfigurator I Leben retten

Saving lives

Due to their complex molecular structure, biotech preparations tend to interact with the container. Therefore, they need an innovative material composition for packaging.

NMY I Schott I XR Konfigurator I Prozessoptimierung


The project forms the basis for expanding the range of services and creating digital added value for communication and process optimization across all company areas.

NMY I Schott I XR Konfigurator I XR/3D Strategie

Innovation platform

Under the umbrella of the XR/3D corporate strategy, further XR technologies will trigger synergies between real-time 3D media and the areas of marketing, sales, training and customer service.

NMY I Schott I XR Konfigurator I AR I Mobile

The smart use of immersive technologies led to the first successful application for sales in the form of the AR-supported, mobile product configurator.

NMY I Schott I XR Konfigurator I AR Scanner

The integrated AR scanner can recognize real objects, QR codes and print templates using a smartphone, tablet or AR glasses.

NMY I Schott I XR Konfigurator I AR View

The scan opens the application automatically and provides instructions, USPs and security recommendations - presented spatially and interactively in the respective context.

NMY I Schott I XR Konfigurator I 3D Ökosystem

The establishment of 3D ecosystems in the entire IT infrastructure increases the operational excellence and adaptability of the organization.